The Conflict Within

…we cannot continue to live life as we did before receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior. In Romans Chapter 7, the Apostle Paul instructs us how to deal with The Conflict Within…

November 12, 2012
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Little Men in Big Positions

This sermon serves as a warning for anyone that has experienced God’s blessing and now have begun making the detrimental decision of leaving God out of your plans now that you are living in God’s abundance.

November 12, 2012
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Dealing with the Sin Life

The struggle for many new converts is the process of all things becoming new…

November 12, 2012
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Victorious Living

In the past few weeks, God has given me a series of messages dealing with how to live victorious in this Christian walk, which is often times full of challenges…

November 12, 2012
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The Strategy of Satan

Dr. Morgan goes into detail describing the tactics and devices Satan uses to come against you.

October 05, 2011
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